Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2010 in review

2010 was a good year for me. I left a job that was driving me slowly insane, and I learned to quilt! Here is a collection of photos of my 2010 projects:

My first quilt: A baby quilt for a friend

A diaper bag and changing pad for another friend:

A lap quilt for my mom for Christmas:

A queen size quilt for my sister:

Two twin quilts for my boyfriends parents for christmas:

A table runner:

Another baby quilt that I have hanging in my sewing room:

I also made three Amy Butler quilts, but I can't find my pictures of them, so I will have to post those later. 


  1. Appears as though you have a very reasonable and understanding boyfriend.

  2. I totally agree with Bart's comment!
